When you've got an email and you activate forwarding for it, all of the incoming e-mails will be sent to a third-party email address that you choose. The email sender won't be aware of this and he will send the message to the original address. This type of function is useful if you have a number of sites, each one with a unique email for contact, for example. By forwarding all messages to one e-mail address, it will be simpler for you to keep a record and never pass up an e-mail message because you have overlooked to check a particular e-mail. For those who manage a business, you’ll be able to take advantage of this function to check the emails received by various departments. Another advantage is that you are able to use an official e-mail address for various purposes, let’s say admin@your-domain.com, and you can now get all of the emails sent to it inside your private email address. In addition, you can forward messages from a single e-mail address to a number of ones, if a number of individuals should be involved with the e-mail conversation.

E-mail Forwarding in Hosting

It is really easy to create forwarding for virtually every e-mail configured inside a hosting account with our company. This can be achieved either while you create a new e-mail address using your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or whenever you want later because the forwarding may be activated and disabled for any current mailbox with a few clicks. It is also possible to decide if a backup copy of the incoming emails will be kept on our servers, which is a really helpful feature. This will be a fail-safe if the remote mailbox is not accessible for whatever reason, not mentioning that you will also have a backup of all e-mails. When this feature is not enabled for a specific email address on our end, an incoming email will be received and sent forward, so zero record of it will stay on our server. When the remote mailbox is unavailable temporarily, you will lose this e-mail.

E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The feature-rich Email Manager tool inside the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, which will come with all the Linux semi-dedicated hosting, allows you to forward any e-mail address you create in the account to one particular or a number of additional addresses with just a couple of clicks. You will also have the ability to see a set of all mailboxes that you've, those that are forwarded as well as exactly where they are forwarded to. The option can be enabled and deactivated at any time and you can additionally select should a backup of the incoming e-mails must be kept on our system or not. Even though this option is not required, it might be easier if you take advantage of it, because you possess a backup of your emails when there is some kind of trouble with the remote mail server. Regardless of whether there is a short-term issue and no emails are lost on our servers, you may still not receive a forwarded email in case it was relayed by our servers within the downtime.